We've all been there. You know you have to get something done but you just can't. Whether it's writing that article or launching a new product, if you don't organise yourself you just end up procrastinating. Fast forward a couple of hours and you've gotten the title done and spent the rest of your time on Facebook stalking your ex-girlfriends profile. Sound familiar? In this article we will tell you how you can increase your productivity and get more time in your day, not literally but getting more efficient.
Internet marketing has its own charm which can never
be neglected, but after choosing it to earn money from it, the thing which
needs to be dealt with is the productivity aspect. With running your own business you don't have no-one to answer to while this is a good thing, it can get slightly de-motivating and you can become lazy. At first, it looks really
charming to take any assignment to work on but in the long run the same thing
becomes a headache to maintain. Many of the successful internet marketers are the people who used to work
on full time in offices and started to switch to internet marketing in their leisure time or part time. Even if you are a
full time internet marketer, you still need to learn the basic things to
maximize your productivity and to gain maximum profitability from your time.
Learn Time Management:

Try waking up earlier as well. There are many benefits to waking up earlier such as becoming more proactive and planning your time more effectively. Getting up earlier will make you feel better as well. Try it and I promise that you will get more time in your day. Just put your alarm clock on for the morning and you should wake up. A good tip is to put your alarm clock away from you so you can't hit the snooze button and go back to sleep. This way you'll have to get up to turn it off.
other positive thing which can be adopted is to set time for a specific job and
try your best to finish it before the time runs out. It will keep your mind
away from any other diversion and your productivity will increase dramatically.
Plan Each Day - Divided into Small Goals
every day of yours each time you you start working by setting some goals for
the day and let your devotion prove that you can do the set goal in the given
time frame; it will increase your interest and concentration towards your job.
These small goals will determine your day in a positive way, and you will end
up with a very positive outcome as your day would be going on a perfect way to
end with maximum productivity.
If you split them up into small manageable tasks, they look less scary and daunting and you will be able to get tasks done. Another great thing is if you love what you do you will automatically increase your productivity because you will want to do that certain task. So fall in love with what you do and make it into your passion.
Do you have tasks that you hate doing? Consider outsourcing these tasks out to people who can either do the job better or like doing that task. There are a lot of outsourcing websites and virtual assistance websites out there. You can use Odesk, Elance, BrickWorks and Guru. If you don't know anything about Outsourcing, click here to find out more.
Making a timetable for yourself and planning your day will help you get more things done throughout and day and will let you know what you have to do next.
If you split them up into small manageable tasks, they look less scary and daunting and you will be able to get tasks done. Another great thing is if you love what you do you will automatically increase your productivity because you will want to do that certain task. So fall in love with what you do and make it into your passion.
Do you have tasks that you hate doing? Consider outsourcing these tasks out to people who can either do the job better or like doing that task. There are a lot of outsourcing websites and virtual assistance websites out there. You can use Odesk, Elance, BrickWorks and Guru. If you don't know anything about Outsourcing, click here to find out more.
Making a timetable for yourself and planning your day will help you get more things done throughout and day and will let you know what you have to do next.
Video explaining How to Organise your Life from LowBudgetLeanMuscle
Emails eats you time – limit it
you ever noticed how much time it takes to check emails every
day? In my opinion, it is the biggest hurdle in your internet marketing career
as you waste most of the time in checking your inbox again and again. The best
way to keep your mailbox up to date is to keep checking it twice a day maximum.
You can close your email service provider page to get less distracted; this act
will make your day much more productive than ever as you would not be thinking
and checking for the new mails in your mailbox.
Another big problem for many people working from home is that they easily get distracted by the internet and often just go onto different websites rather than do there work. Using Freedom will help you to get your work done. Freedom blocks the internet for however long you want and until the time is up you can't use the internet again. Freedom helps beat distractions and has been featured in many top publications and newspapers such as New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Many successful authors also use Freedom such as Tim Ferriss and The Four Hour Workweek. There is a charge to using Freedom but it is well worth the price.
Another big problem for many people working from home is that they easily get distracted by the internet and often just go onto different websites rather than do there work. Using Freedom will help you to get your work done. Freedom blocks the internet for however long you want and until the time is up you can't use the internet again. Freedom helps beat distractions and has been featured in many top publications and newspapers such as New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Many successful authors also use Freedom such as Tim Ferriss and The Four Hour Workweek. There is a charge to using Freedom but it is well worth the price.
Avoid Distractions
not let your mind take advantage of the type of your job; it's true that you are
working at home but this work needs dedication like any other work, and, for
that purpose, you are supposed to avoid all the daily life distraction like
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or any other social media site. If you can't control yourself from using Social Networking sites use Anti-Social. Anti-Social helps block sites off like Twitter and Facebook so you don't waste any time doing.
In our daily life these things are the most time taking things as it might seem that checking the notification takes only a minute, but these minutes pile up to several hour at the end of the day. Stay away from these distraction as much as possible.
When working from home it can be easy to get distracted like picking up kids from school or people coming in from to talk to you, but if you stick to a timetable and have strict working hours then you will not get distracted. For example you can tell people you are working from 11 - 3 and for no-one to distract you while you are working .
In our daily life these things are the most time taking things as it might seem that checking the notification takes only a minute, but these minutes pile up to several hour at the end of the day. Stay away from these distraction as much as possible.
When working from home it can be easy to get distracted like picking up kids from school or people coming in from to talk to you, but if you stick to a timetable and have strict working hours then you will not get distracted. For example you can tell people you are working from 11 - 3 and for no-one to distract you while you are working .
Search Engine Optimization
talk about some technicalities to increase your productivity to the maximum by
working strictly by the rules of Search Engine Optimization. What it does is
that it makes your internet marketing struggling career more shiny and attract
the attention of even more people. A well-optimized marketing strategy can
bring you on the top of search engine and can make you one of the most famous
and attractive sight for the visitors. Different tools can be chosen to make
your work easier as they show you all the related keywords and their ranking in
the search engine and make it easier to get you rank up by using the relevant
key words. You can be a successful internet marketer by acting upon all the
above said things which will bring your career to another level.
It can take work quite a lot of work to change your lifestyle and become more proactive. However if you follow the tips contained within this article I'm sure that you will change your life, get rid of procrastination and start to get things done.
If you become proactive and plan your tasks ahead of when you actually do them, you will be able to complete things that you have been putting of for ages.
Thanks for reading this article and I hope you enjoyed reading this. If you have any of your own tips then please leave a comment below. If you enjoyed this article, then please share it. Also remember to subscribe to our RSS Feed for all our latest updates. Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter.