Feels good, doesn't it? |
In this article we will list the different things that successful people do and the things you can learn from these highly successful people. Be sure to implement the things these successful people do because it will make your life more fulfilling and much more productive. Lets get started:
7. Never Give Up
Successful people never ever give up. Whenever they are faced with obstacles they surpass them and remove all barriers. Even when faced with failure or rejection, they never give up. Famous failures include Walt Disney who got fired from a newspaper firm for lacking imagination and having no original ideas. Kind of ironic, isn't it? He went on to revolutionise the American animation industry and created a billion dollar empire. Learn from Michael Jordan's quote, "I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed"
This is a very important one in my opinion. Most people think if they get to a certain stage in their life, they will stop learning. But learning is a lifelong process. It doesn't matter if your 6 years of age or 60, you should always be learning. Ask any successful person and they will tell you they are continuously learning and trying to improve themselves. Learning and improving can be done in many ways, through books, audio tapes, seminars, videos, magazines, etc.
5. They dream BIG
They have big dreams and do not settle for anything else. They make sure thy get what they set out to get. If they want something, they will get it. And you have to adapt the same philosophy. Back in 1976, a much younger Arnold Schwarzenegger was doing an interview for his movie 'Stay Hungry' , when a journalist asks him what he plans to do now that he has retired from bodybuilding. His reply, "I’m going to be the number-one box-office star in all of Hollywood.” Now back then this idea was farfetched. Here's a man who is not originally from America and has an accent. But he went on to become an International action superstar with hits such as The Terminator and Predator. Here's a clip of a guy doing his best Schwarzenegger impression.
4. Always Positive
They always stay positive. No Matter how bad it gets, successful people always stay positive because they know that it will get better for them and a bad situation is only temporary. Staying positive helps you worry less about the bad stuff and start getting more productive and actually taking action. A wise basketball player once said "Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation", that wise basketball player was Michael Jordan.
3. Take Action
Taking action means actually doing something and working. That means whatever you are working on it gets done. That is what Taking action is. Without taking any action, you would not get anything done and stay unproductive. Action is necessary. Do not procrastinate as this is one of the WORST things you can do.
2. Break the Rules
Now this doesn't mean break the law or do anything that would get you detained and arrested, it means don't do the normal and make sure you do different things. Follow what Tim Ferriss author of The Four Hour Workweek does and go against the norm. Do something completely different and break all the rules. If you want to be successful, you are going to have to not do what everyone else does and do something else.
You will need to be very passionate about whatever it is you do. Passion is a sense of love for what you do. So if you are not passionate about something, there isn't no real point of doing it. Successful people are always very passionate. Successful people who are passionate include; Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, J.K Rowling, Will Smith and Oprah Finery among many, many others. Steve Jobs explains why you need passion better in this short video;
So there you have it! You can learn many things from successful people and can improve and better both your business and yourself if you follow these simple steps and take away the lessons learnt from this article. We hope you appreciate this article and trust you to share the article to your friends and family via Twitter, Facebook or the many other social networking sites.
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