Making money through blogging. Is it a dream or reality?
What is the myth of blogging? Post few of the successful blogs, grab the attention of as much traffic as you can. Consider a reader worth a penny, it means that with every single new reader you can accumulate more and more pennies, these pennies would turn into pounds and at the end of the day, you will be a millionaire. It is as simple as that. Jokes apart but then again blogging can be used as the best source to make money. You might be thinking of me as a day dreamer. Dreaming is not bad at all, rather somehow or the other these are the dreams that motivate people to attain impossible missions; it is the power of dream that provoke the person to attain what seems to be an impossible. For that reason, I would love to be a dreamer.
Do not follow rules. Break the rules and bring something extra ordinary
How many of you are being cursed by the family members, owing to excessive use of computer? Hey you are spoiling yourself . . . you will feel sorrow in future. . . and so forth There many dialogues that we listen every day when we logon to our computers. But now even some of the parents have the idea that their kids earn more than their annual salary by making use of their computer. In 2003 the idea of making online money was not reliable; however things are changed now and people around the world are working for online business and they are getting handsome salaries. Indeed blogging is an art that need some special talents. There are thousands of people who are managing their blogs, out of millions you have to make yourself prominent. What does make a blog successful and thriving? This is what I want to discuss with you. There are hundreds of people talking about the technicalities and difficult procedures to make money from blogs. I am surprized, why people are making things complicated, we are not talking with the laws of motion by Newton. There is just one simple rule behind a successful blog that can make billions of pounds and American dollars, and the rule is that there is no rule of any kind. Ok let me explain in simpler and pain words. Two and two makes four. Will you read any blog about why two and two makes four? I do not know about you but I would not read that at all. However if I had to write about this topic, I would rephrase the line as, “two and two do not make four any longer” or something like “two and two make five now.” This will seize the sight of the reader.

“When in Rome, do as the Romans do”
Proper research is needed before starting any blog. Research is the basic need of any sort of business around the globe, whether you are eying to start a manufacturing firm or financial analysts. In the same way even blogging needs some proper research. If you really want to make money with the help of your blog, then you should know what type of article grasp more and more trafficking. 1st thing a blogger ought to comprehend is that he is not writing for his own self; rather his aim is making money. When a blogger has a clear vision about his prime aim he would escort his writings in the right direction. Successful bloggers are the people who have a complete hold on the nerves of the people, they know what are the expectations of their readers and what they really want read. If you want to make money then you have to get the complete knowhow what is going on other successful blogs.
Dramatic blogs may earn more traffic!
People do not want to read your views. The fact is that you are not a celebrity, what makes your blog worth reading is your style of writing. Make it more dramatic and just feel the difference. People want to read simple things in more dramatic way. Create drama and grip the attention of readers and blog lovers. Interesting readings catch the attentions of the readers with no trouble to a certain extent.Follow your Passion
If you have a passion for something, you should write about that. Your passion can be anything including football, bodybuilding, boxing, cats, cars, dogs the list could go on forever. If you start writing about something you like and are passionate about, you will enjoy it as well as make money. Take a look at some examples:

Insert some fun into blogging
Insurgencies and riots are taking place around the globe; people are fed up and depressed. More so, they wanted to get rid of depression, your blog can win the love and attraction of the readers if you feel that your comedy, wittiness or humour is simple state of the art. Humour can earn more traffic and can make your blog more successful.
What is going on around you? Keep your eyes and ears open
The more you post about the recent happening the more traffic you will get. Bloggers should know about all recent activities and happening. General knowledge is the key of success in most of departments and blog is one of such fields.I hope you have enjoyed the article and hope you have learnt from it. If it helped you, please comment and share the content. Remember to subscribe to our RSS Feed.
Thanks for such clear guidance.I have recently started my blog using the Quick Blog Cast service from Thewebpole.com and will follow your tips to monetize it.
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